
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
AB Humanities is a multidisciplinary course that studies the human person as such through the Arts, Literature, History, and Philosophy. The student will use approaches from each of these disciplines to analyze, interpret, and evaluate human creations. They will integrate these various disciplines in pursuit of wisdom through a deep understanding of the human experience.
Graduates of the AB Humanities program are prepared to take on jobs related to any of the humanistic disciplines. At the same time, they are prepared for further specialization within the career paths of their choice. Intensive training in the complementary use of various methods drawn from different humanistic disciplines in the discipline of their choice leads students to a deeper understanding of the constantly changing socio-cultural landscape. This training and understanding equips the humanities graduate to innovate and develop new ideas that meet the demands of modern-day career opportunities.
In terms of professions, beyond being a teacher or artist, AB Humanities graduates can become copywriters, corporate consultants, subeditors, lawyers, conservation and heritage officers, and art gallery officers.

Bachelor of Arts in Humanities with specialization in Creative Writing
AB Humanities with 18 Units in Creative Writing is a multidisciplinary course that enables the student to use various methods drawn from Arts, History, Literature, and Philosophy to develop a deeper understanding of the constantly changing socio-cultural landscape and apply these methods to Creative Writing. This training equips the humanities graduate to innovate and develop new ideas that meet the demands of modern-day career opportunities, particularly in the literary field.
Graduates of the Creative Writing Program are prepared to take on jobs related to their field of expertise. The extensive training they have received gives them more channels into landing a creative writing oriented career by the time they leave the university. They can become authors, content writers, editors, journalists, copywriters, social media specialists, columnists, screenwriters, playwrights, scriptwriters, communications directors, public relations professionals, and professors.

Bachelor of Arts in Health Humanities
Health Humanities is a multidisciplinary course that sets the foundation for students who want to pursue medicine and healthcare. The study of the Natural Sciences, alongside Arts, History, Literature, and Philosophy, grounds the student in a holistic view of the human person possessing dignity, values, and the right to human flourishing and fulfillment. The pandemic demonstrated the indispensability of this mindset and disposition in current healthcare practice.
The UA&P Health Humanities Program provides its students with a distinct integral education which develops in them a whole-person perspective, which will be their cutting edge as future professionals in the field of healthcare that is moving toward patient-centered care.
Students who pursue a Health Humanities major or minor, along with required science courses outside the program, will be exceptionally well-prepared for admission to medical school or to other health science graduate programs. This program is also ideal for students who have an interest in law school, in earning a graduate degree in public health, or in pursuing an administrative career in the healthcare industry. Most Health Humanities programs are in the UK, notably in the University College London and University of Nottingham. The recognized founder of Health Humanities is Prof. Paul Crawford, who is very active in the International Health Humanities Network.

Master of Arts in Humanities
The Master of Arts in Humanities is a multidisciplinary, integrated program that enables students to graduate with both a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree within five or six years. To proceed and qualify for the graduate level, students must finish their bachelor’s degree with a GWA of 2.0 in all their major undergraduate subjects.
The Master of Arts in Humanities develops the student’s research skills by building on the undergraduate courses in Arts, History, Literature, and Philosophy, providing them with opportunities for knowledge production and diffusion. Central to this program are Research Methodology and Thesis Writing.